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Free Surfers School Escuela de Surf

5 fotógrafos de surf que seguir en Instagram

Surf camp pack en Fuerteventura 290€
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¡Hoooooola, Free Surfers! ¿Cómo va eso? ¿Hace fresquito por ahí? Por Fuerteventura seguimos de la leche, la verdad, ¡no nos podemos quejar!

Hoy queremos volver a surfear un poquito la red, en lugar del mar, así que os traemos cinco fotógrafos de surf que merece la pena seguir en Instagram para darle a vuestro feed un poquito de alegría. ¡Son unos cracks! Casi de Élite… casi ;)

Timo Jarvinen. Fotógrafo de Quicksilver en una de sus mejores épocas del WCT. Lo cierto es que tiene una buena cantidad de seguidores y no es para menos, porque el tío se lo curra bastante. Sus imágenes de surfing son súper impactantes y no solo eso, sino que los ambientes que retrata ayudan mucho a crear toda esa atmósfera costera que respira su perfil de Instagram.

One from the morning one from the evening. Casual approach to the max under punishing conditions by @john_john_florence , for some reason the last wave of the day is often the most memorable one when color palette gets all distorted in somewhat nice way. @nikoneurope @nikonfr

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Woody Gooch. Este australiano parte muchísimo la pana. Sus fotos no solo respiran surfing, sino arte por los cuatro costados… Sus fotos casi reflejan un mundo mágico, único y con una perspectiva muy personal. Este follow os traerá muy gratas sorpresas, ¡prometido!

Today I said goodbye to a close person to me. Who watched me grow up into something I was honoured to show them what I could achieve to make them proud. This wave had as much energy as you did. I love you forever. The rest of my journey will be shared with you one day. " I will forever be composing my photographs having my grandmothers energy with me." – me

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Chris Burkard. Si bien su galería no llega ni a un 80% de surfing, sus millones de seguidores avalan su interés y su calidad. Sus fotos son pura luz y pasión. Para él, el paisaje es tan importante o más que el surfing así que, en sus fotos, se lleva una parte muy protagonista. Nos encanta porque nos hace tener presente la idea de que no somos nadie sin nuestro entorno… ¡y el surf tampoco!

Almost 6 years ago I sat in bed for almost a month with a staph infection in my leg. At one point the medically resistant strain MRSA was creeping up my leg creating red lines… I had a small panic attack I might lose my leg. Somewhere between working in Tahiti & Nicaragua I had gotten a tiny reef cut that was exposed & untreated. I had a lot of time to think while I was in bed immobile staring at two quarter size holes in my leg that were connected by a tunnel the bacteria had bore. I was really scared. It made much of the petty things & opinions I dealt with on a daily basis seem pretty minor. At a certain point I made the decision that warm water wasn't for me, & decided to put my efforts elsewhere… It led me to explore places I never imagined I would, & experience pain in a totally new kind of way. The kind I welcomed. . . Pictured: @dionagius waits for the tide during the iceland section of 'Strange Rumblings' filmed by Joe G . A film that went on to win film of the year at Surfer Poll.

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Morgan Maasen. Otro cargadito de seguidores… ¡y no es para menos! Sus fotografías las definiríamos como surfari total. 60% paisaje, 30% surfing. Y viendo sus fotografías es fácil imaginar que estamos sentados sobre una tabla en el agua, con los pies sumergidos, embriagándonos con la majestuosidad de la naturaleza.

This photo was taken early one morning in Bali, moments before a nearby hotel's staff hurriedly came to pick up this trash that washes in from the ocean every morning. We as surfers, beachgoers, and humans have to do our part. The ocean has given me everything, and it's time i give back. While plastic is unavoidable in everyday life, i'm proud to acknowledge the issue through education, and applying that to making changes that should have been in place long ago. Saying goodbye to plastic bottles and coffee to-go lids has been effortless, and only requires carrying one of the many rad stainless steel canteens around. Thank you @corona and for engaging this issue, having me along, and helping us all take a stand. #100islandsprotected

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Nick Lavecchia. Sus fotografías son nostalgia pura. Es como vivir un atardecer constante desde el agua, intentando disfrutar de la última ola del día. La sensibilidad se revela en cada toma y, ¡ojo a los retratos! No postea muchos, pero los que postea son brutales.

s u m m e r . #mainecoast #fujifilm_xseries

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